Execute one or more NETCONF RPCs on a Junos device
New in version 2.0.0.
| display xml rpc
modifier to determine the equivalent RPC name for a Junos CLI command. For example, show version | display xml rpc
reveals the equivalent RPC name is get-software-information
.The following software packages must be installed on hosts that execute this module:
The following options may be specified for this module:
parameter | type | required | default | choices | comments |
attrs |
dict or list of dict | no | none |
The attributes and values to the RPCs specified by the rpcs option. The value of this option can either be a single dictionary of keywords and values, or a list of dictionaries containing keywords and values.
There is a one-to-one correspondence between the elements in the kwargs list and the RPCs in the rpcs list. In other words, the two lists must always contain the same number of elements.
aliases: attr
dest |
path | no | None |
The path to a file, on the Ansible control machine, where the output of the RPC will be saved.
The file must be writeable. If the file already exists, it is overwritten.
When tasks are executed against more than one target host, one process is forked for each target host. (Up to the maximum specified by the forks configuration. See forks for details.) This means that the value of this option must be unique per target host. This is usually accomplished by including
{{ inventory_hostname }} in the dest value. It is the user's responsibility to ensure this value is unique per target host.For this reason, this option is deprecated. It is maintained for backwards compatibility. Use the dest_dir option in new playbooks. The dest and dest_dir options are mutually exclusive.
aliases: destination
dest_dir |
path | no | None |
The path to a directory, on the Ansible control machine, where the output of the RPC will be saved. The output will be logged to a file named
{{ inventory_hostname }}_ rpc.format in the dest_dir directory.The destination file must be writeable. If the file already exists, it is overwritten. It is the users responsibility to ensure a unique dest_dir value is provided for each execution of this module within a playbook.
The dest_dir and dest options are mutually exclusive. The dest_dir option is recommended for all new playbooks.
aliases: destination_dir, destdir
filter |
str | no | none |
This argument only applies if the rpcs option contains a single RPC with the value
get-config . When used, this value specifies an XML filter used to restrict the portions of the configuration which are retrieved. See the PyEZ get_config method for details on the value of this option.aliases: filter_xml
formats |
str or list of str | no | xml |
The format of the reply for the RPCs specified by the rpcs option.
The specified format(s) must be supported by the target Junos device.
The value of this option can either be a single format, or a list of formats. If a single format is specified, it applies to all RPCs specified by the rpcs option. If a list of formats are specified, there must be one value in the list for each RPC specified by the rpcs option.
aliases: format, display, output
kwargs |
dict or list of dict | no | none |
The keyword arguments and values to the RPCs specified by the rpcs option. The value of this option can either be a single dictionary of keywords and values, or a list of dictionaries containing keywords and values.
There must be a one-to-one correspondence between the elements in the kwargs list and the RPCs in the rpcs list. In other words, the two lists must always contain the same number of elements. For RPC arguments which do not require a value, specify the value of True as shown in the :ref:`juniper_junos_rpc-examples-label`.
aliases: kwarg, args, arg
return_output |
bool | no | True |
Indicates if the output of the RPC should be returned in the module's response. You might want to set this option to
false , and set the dest_dir option, if the RPC output is very large and you only need to save the output rather than using it's content in subsequent tasks/plays of your playbook. |
rpcs |
list | yes | none |
A list of one or more NETCONF RPCs to execute on the Junos device.
aliases: rpc
- name: Examples of juniper_junos_rpc
hosts: junos-all
connection: local
gather_facts: no
- Juniper.junos
- name: Execute single get-software-information RPC.
rpcs: "get-software-information"
register: response
- name: Print the RPC's output as a single multi-line string.
var: response.stdout
###### OLD EXAMPLES ##########
- junos_rpc:
host={{ inventory_hostname }}
- junos_rpc:
host={{ inventory_hostname }}
# Example to fetch device configuration
- name: Get Device Configuration
host={{ inventory_hostname }}
# Fetch configuration over console server connection using PyEZ >= 2.0
- name: Get Device Configuration
host={{ inventory_hostname }}
# Example to fetch device configuration
- name: Get Device Configuration for interface
host={{ inventory_hostname }}
register: junos
# Example to fetch configuration in json for >=14.2
# and use it with rpc_reply
- name: Get Device Configuration
hosts: all
- Juniper.junos
connection: local
gather_facts: no
- name: Get interface information
host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
rpc: get-interface-information
interface_name: em0
media: True
format: json
dest: get_interface_information.conf
register: junos
- name: Print configuration
debug: msg="{{ junos.rpc_reply }}"
###### OLD EXAMPLES ##########
name | description | returned | type | sample |
attrs |
The RPC attributes and values from the list of dictionaries in the attrs option. This will be none if no attributes are applied to the RPC.
always | dict | |
changed |
Indicates if the device's state has changed. Since this module doesn't change the operational or configuration state of the device, the value is always set to
false .You could use this module to execute an RPC which changes the operational state of the the device. For example,
clear-ospf-neighbor-information . Beware, this module is unable to detect this situation, and will still return a changed value of false in this case. |
success | bool | |
failed |
Indicates if the task failed. See the results key for additional details.
always | bool | |
format |
The format of the RPC response from the list of formats in the formats option.
always | str | |
kwargs |
The keyword arguments from the list of dictionaries in the kwargs option. This will be
none if no kwargs are applied to the RPC. |
always | dict | |
msg |
A human-readable message indicating the result.
always | str | |
parsed_output |
The RPC reply from the Junos device parsed into a JSON datastructure. For XML replies, the response is parsed into JSON using the jxmlease library. For JSON the response is parsed using the Python json library.
When Ansible converts the jxmlease or native Python data structure into JSON, it does not guarantee that the order of dictionary/object keys are maintained.
when RPC executed successfully, return_output is true , and the RPC format is xml or json . |
dict | |
results |
The other keys are returned when a single RPC is specified for the rpcs option. When the value of the rpcs option is a list of RPCs, this key is returned instead. The value of this key is a list of dictionaries. Each element in the list corresponds to the RPCs in the rpcs option. The keys for each element in the list include all of the other keys listed. The failed key indicates if the individual RPC failed. In this case, there is also a top-level failed key. The top-level failed key will have a value of
false if ANY of the RPCs ran successfully. In this case, check the value of the failed key for each element in the results list for the results of individual RPCs. |
when the rpcs option is a list value. | list of dict | |
rpc |
The RPC which was executed from the list of RPCs in the rpcs option.
always | str | |
stdout |
The RPC reply from the Junos device as a single multi-line string.
when RPC executed successfully and return_output is true . |
str | |
stdout_lines |
The RPC reply from the Junos device as a list of single-line strings.
when RPC executed successfully and return_output is true . |
list of str |