Manipulate the configuration of a Junos device
New in version 2.0.0.
, the default,
take a lock on the candidate configuration database. If the lock fails
the module fails and reports an error.private
, open a private
candidate configuration database. If opening the private configuration
database fails the module fails and reports an error.true
, the default, check the validity
of the configuration by performing a “commit check” operation.false
and commit
to confirm a previous “commit confirmed <min>” operation
without actually performing an additional commit.true
the default, perform a diff between the candidate and committed
configuration databases.true
, the default, include the
generated configuration difference in the diff and diff_lines
keys of the module’s response.true
, the default, include the
retrieved configuration in the config, config_lines, and
config_parsed keys of the module’s response.true
, the default, commit the
configuration changes.false
and check
to confirm a previous “commit confirmed <min>” operation.commit confirmed
min operation where min is the value of the
confirmed option.true
and the check_commit_wait
option is specified, wait check_commit_wait seconds before
performing the commit.exclusive
, the default,
unlock the candidate configuration database.The following software packages must be installed on hosts that execute this module:
The following options may be specified for this module:
parameter | type | required | default | choices | comments |
check |
bool | no | true (false if retrieve is set and load and rollback are not set) |
Perform a commit check operation.
aliases: check_commit, commit_check
check_commit_wait |
int | no | none |
The number of seconds to wait between check and commit operations.
This option is only valid if check is
true and commit is true .This option should not normally be needed. It works around an issue in some versions of Junos.
comment |
str | no | none |
Provide a comment to be used with the commit operation.
This option is only valid if the commit option is true.
commit |
bool | no | true (false if retrieve is set and load and rollback are not set) |
Perform a commit operation.
commit_empty_changes |
bool | no | False |
Perform a commit operation, even if there are no changes between the candidate configuration and the committed configuration.
config_mode |
str | no | exclusive |
The mode used to access the candidate configuration database.
aliases: config_access, edit_mode, edit_access
confirmed |
int | no | none |
Provide a confirmed timeout, in minutes, to be used with the commit operation.
This option is only valid if the commit option is
true .The value of this option is the number of minutes to wait for another commit operation before automatically rolling back the configuration change performed by this task. In other words, this option causes the module to perform a
commit confirmed min where min is the value of the confirmed option. This option DOES NOT confirm a previous commit confirmed min operation. To confirm a previous commit operation, invoke this module with the check or commit option set to true .aliases: confirm
dest |
path | no | none |
The path to a file, on the local Ansible control machine, where the configuration will be saved if the retrieve option is specified.
The file must be writeable. If the file already exists, it is overwritten.
This option is only valid if the retrieve option is not
none .When tasks are executed against more than one target host, one process is forked for each target host. (Up to the maximum specified by the forks configuration. See forks for details.) This means that the value of this option must be unique per target host. This is usually accomplished by including
{{ inventory_hostname }} in the dest value. It is the user's responsibility to ensure this value is unique per target host.For this reason, this option is deprecated. It is maintained for backwards compatibility. Use the dest_dir option in new playbooks. The dest and dest_dir options are mutually exclusive.
aliases: destination
dest_dir |
path | no | none |
The path to a directory, on the Ansible control machine. This is the directory where the configuration will be saved if the retrieve option is specified. It is also the directory where the configuration diff will be specified if the diff option is
true .This option is only valid if the retrieve option is not
none or the diff option is true .The retrieved configuration will be saved to a file named
{{ inventory_hostname }}. format_extension in the dest_dir directory. Where format_extension is conf for text format, xml for XML format, json for JSON format, and set for set format.If the diff option is
true , the configuration diff will be saved to a file named {{ inventory_hostname }}.diff in the dest_dir directory.The destination file must be writeable. If the file already exists, it is overwritten. It is the users responsibility to ensure a unique dest_dir value is provided for each execution of this module within a playbook.
The dest_dir and dest options are mutually exclusive. The dest_dir option is recommended for all new playbooks.
The dest_dir and diff_file options are mutually exclusive. The dest_dir option is recommended for all new playbooks.
aliases: destination_dir, destdir, savedir, save_dir
diff |
bool | no | true (false if retrieve is set and load and rollback are not set) |
Perform a configuration compare (aka diff) operation.
aliases: compare, diffs
diffs_file |
path | no | None |
The path to a file, on the Ansible control machine, where the configuration differences will be saved if the diff option is specified.
The file must be writeable. If the file already exists, it is overwritten.
This option is only valid if the diff option is
true .When tasks are executed against more than one target host, one process is forked for each target host. (Up to the maximum specified by the forks configuration. See forks for details.) This means that the value of this option must be unique per target host. This is usually accomplished by including
{{ inventory_hostname }} in the diffs_file value. It is the user's responsibility to ensure this value is unique per target host.For this reason, this option is deprecated. It is maintained for backwards compatibility. Use the dest_dir option in new playbooks.
The diffs_file and dest_dir options are mutually exclusive.
filter |
str | no | none |
A string of XML, or '/'-separated configuration hierarchies, which specifies a filter used to restrict the portions of the configuration which are retrieved. See PyEZ's get_config method documentation for details on the value of this option.
aliases: filter_xml
format |
str | no | none (auto-detect on load, text on retrieve) |
Specifies the format of the configuration retrieved, if retrieve is not
none .Specifies the format of the configuration to be loaded, if load is not
none .The specified format must be supported by the target Junos device.
ignore_warning |
bool, str, or list of str | no | none |
A boolean, string or list of strings. If the value is
true , ignore all warnings regardless of the warning message. If the value is a string, it will ignore warning(s) if the message of each warning matches the string. If the value is a list of strings, ignore warning(s) if the message of each warning matches at least one of the strings in the list. The value of the ignore_warning option is applied to the load and commit operations performed by this module. |
lines |
list | no | none |
Used with the load option. Specifies a list of list of configuration strings containing the configuration to be loaded.
The src, lines, template, and url options are mutually exclusive.
By default, the format of the configuration data is auto-dectected by the content of the first line in the lines list.
If the format option is specified, the format value overrides the format auto-detection.
load |
str | no | none |
Specifies the type of load operation to be performed.
The load and rollback options are mutually exclusive.
The choices have the following meanings:
none - Do not perform a load operation.
merge - Combine the new configuration with the existing configuration. If statements in the new configuration conflict with statements in the existing configuration, the statements in the new configuration replace those in the existing configuration.
replace - This option is a superset of the merge option. It combines the new configuration with the existing configuration. If the new configuration is in text format and a hierarchy level in the new configuartion is prefixed with the string
replace: , then the hierarchy level in the new configuration replaces the entire corresponding hierarchy level in the existing configuration, regardles of the existence or content of that hierarchy level in the existing configuration. If the configuration is in XML format, the XML attribute replace = "replace" is equivalent to the text format's replace: prefix. If a configuration hierarchy in the new configuration is not prefixed with replace: , then the merge behavior is used. Specifically, for any statements in the new configuration which conflict with statements in the existing configuration, the statements in the new configuration replace those in the existing configuration.override - Discard the entire existing configuration and replace it with the new configuration. When the configuration is later committed, all system processes are notified and the entire new configuration is marked as 'changed' even if some statements previously existed in the configuration. The value overwrite is a synonym for override.
update - This option is similar to the override option. The new configuration completely replaces the existing configuration. The difference comes when the configuration is later committed. This option performs a 'diff' between the new candidate configuration and the existing committed configuration. It then only notifies system processes repsonsible for the changed portions of the configuration, and only marks the actual configuration changes as 'changed'.
set - This option is used when the new configuration data is in set format (a series of configuration mode commands). The new configuration data is loaded line by line and may contain any configuration mode commands, such as set, delete, edit, or deactivate. This value must be specified if the new configuration is in set format.
options |
dict | no | None |
Additional options, specified as a dictionary of key/value pairs, used when retrieving the configuration. See the <get-configuration> RPC documentation for information on available options.
retrieve |
str | no | none |
The configuration database to be retrieved.
return_output |
bool | no | True |
Indicates if the output of the diff and retreive options should be returned in the module's response. You might want to set this option to
false , and set the dest_dir option, if the configuration or diff output is very large and you only need to save the output rather than using it's content in subsequent tasks/plays of your playbook. |
rollback |
int or str | no | none |
Populate the candidate configuration from a previously committed configuration. This value can be a configuration number between 0 and 49, or the keyword
rescue to load the previously saved rescue configuration.By default, some Junos platforms store fewer than 50 previous configurations. Specifying a value greater than the number of previous configurations available, or specifying
rescue when no rescue configuration has been saved, will result in an error when the module attempts to perform the rollback.The rollback and load options are mutually exclusive.
src |
path | no | none |
Used with the load option. Specifies the path to a file, on the local Ansible control machine, containing the configuration to be loaded.
The src, lines, template, and url options are mutually exclusive.
By default, the format of the configuration data is determined by the file extension of this path name. If the file has a
.conf extension, the content is treated as text format. If the file has a .xml extension, the content is treated as XML format. If the file has a .set extension, the content is treated as Junos set commands.If the format option is specified, the format value overrides the file-extension based format detection.
aliases: source, file
template |
path | no | none |
The path to a Jinja2 template file, on the local Ansible control machine. This template file, along with the vars option, is used to generate the configuration to be loaded on the target Junos device.
The src, lines, template, and url options are mutually exclusive.
The template and vars options are required together. If one is specified, the other must be specified.
aliases: template_path
url |
str | no | none |
A URL which specifies the configuration data to load on the target Junos device.
The Junos device uses this URL to load the configuration, therefore this URL must be reachable by the target Junos device.
The possible formats of this value are documented in the 'url' section of the <load-configuration> RPC documentation.
The src, lines, template, and url options are mutually exclusive.
vars |
dict | no | none |
A dictionary of keys and values used to render the Jinja2 template specified by the template option.
The template and vars options are required together. If one is specified, the other must be specified.
aliases: template_vars
- name: Manipulate the configuration of Junos devices
hosts: junos-all
connection: local
gather_facts: no
- Juniper.junos
- name: Retrieve the committed configuration
retrieve: 'committed'
diff: false
check: false
commit: false
register: response
- name: Print the lines in the config.
var: response.config_lines
- name: Append .foo to the hostname using private config mode.
config_mode: 'private'
load: 'merge'
- "set system host-name {{ inventory_hostname }}.foo"
register: response
- name: Print the config changes.
var: response.diff_lines
- name: Rollback to the previous config.
config_mode: 'private'
rollback: 1
register: response
- name: Print the config changes.
var: response.diff_lines
- name: Rollback to the rescue config.
rollback: 'rescue'
register: response
- name: Print the complete response.
var: response
- name: Load override from a file.
load: 'override'
src: "{{ inventory_hostname }}.conf"
register: response
- name: Print the complete response.
var: response
- name: Load from a Jinja2 template.
load: 'merge'
format: 'xml'
template: "{{ inventory_hostname }}.j2"
host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
register: response
- name: Print the complete response.
var: response
- name: Load from a file on the Junos device.
load: 'merge'
url: "{{ inventory_hostname }}.conf"
register: response
- name: Print the complete response.
var: response
- name: Load from a file on the Junos device, skip the commit check
load: 'merge'
url: "{{ inventory_hostname }}.conf"
check: false
register: response
- name: Print the msg.
var: response.msg
- name: Print diff between current and rollback 10. No check. No commit.
rollback: 11
diff: true
check: false
commit: false
register: response
- name: Print the msg.
var: response
- name: Retrieve [edit system services] of current committed config.
retrieve: 'committed'
filter: 'system/services'
diff: true
check: false
commit: false
register: response
- name: Print the resulting config lines.
var: response.config_lines
- name: Enable NETCONF SSH and traceoptions, save config, and diffs.
load: 'merge'
- 'set system services netconf ssh'
- 'set system services netconf traceoptions flag all'
- 'set system services netconf traceoptions file netconf.log'
format: 'set'
retrieve: 'candidate'
filter: 'system/services'
comment: 'Enable NETCONF with traceoptions'
dest_dir: './output'
register: response
- name: Print the complete response
var: response
- name: Load conf. Confirm within 5 min. Wait 3 secs between chk and commit
load: 'merge'
url: "{{ inventory_hostname }}.conf"
confirm: 5
check_commit_wait: 3
register: response
- name: Print the complete response
var: response
- name: Confirm the previous commit with a commit check (but no commit)
check: true
diff: false
commit: false
register: response
- name: Print the complete response
var: response
name | description | returned | type | sample |
changed |
Indicates if the device's configuration has changed, or would have changed when in check mode.
success | bool | |
config |
The retrieved configuration. The value is a single multi-line string in the format specified by the format option.
when retrieved is not none and return_output is true . |
str | |
config_lines |
The retrieved configuration. The value is a list of single-line strings in the format specified by the format option.
when retrieved is not none and return_output is true . |
list | |
config_parsed |
The retrieved configuration parsed into a JSON datastructure. For XML replies, the response is parsed into JSON using the jxmlease library. For JSON the response is parsed using the Python json library.
When Ansible converts the jxmlease or native Python data structure into JSON, it does not guarantee that the order of dictionary/object keys are maintained.
when retrieved is not none , the format option is xml or json and return_output is true . |
dict | |
diff |
The configuration differences between the previous and new configurations. The value is a single multi-line string in "diff" format.
when load or rollback is specified, diff is true , and return_output is true . |
str | |
diff_lines |
The configuration differences between the previous and new configurations. The value is a list of single-line strings in "diff" format.
when load or rollback is specified, diff is true , and return_output is true . |
list | |
failed |
Indicates if the task failed.
always | bool | |
file |
The value of the src option.
when load is not none and src is not none |
str | |
msg |
A human-readable message indicating the result.
always | str |