.. _junos_get_facts: junos_get_facts - Retrieve facts for a device running Junos OS. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :Author: Jeremy Schulman, Juniper Networks .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 Synopsis -------- .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 Retrieve facts for a device running Junos OS, which includes information such as the serial number, product model, and Junos OS version. The module supports using both NETCONF and CONSOLE-based retrieval and returns the information as a JSON dictionary. The information is similar to facts gathered by other IT frameworks. Options ------- .. raw:: html
parameter required default choices comments
console no None
    CONSOLE port, per the netconify utility
    host yes
      Set to {{ inventory_hostname }}
      logfile no None
        Path on the local server where the progress status is logged for debugging purposes. This option is used only with the console option.
        passwd no assumes ssh-key active
          Login password
          port no 830
            TCP port number to use when connecting to the device
            savedir no $CWD
              Path to the local server directory where device fact files will be stored. Resulting file will be savedir/hostname-facts.json
              user no $USER
                Login username
                .. note:: Requires junos-eznc >= 1.2.2 .. note:: Requires junos-netconify >= 1.0.1, when using the *console* option Examples -------- .. raw:: html
                :: # retrieve facts using NETCONF, assumes ssh-keys - junos_get_facts: host={{ inventory_hostname }} register: junos # retrieve facts using CONSOLE, assumes Amnesiac system # root login, no password - junos_get_facts: host={{ inventory_hostname }} user=root console="--telnet={{TERMSERV}},{{TERMSERVPORT}}" savedir=/usr/local/junos/inventory register: junos # access the facts - name: version debug: msg="{{ junos.facts.version }}"