.. _juniper_junos_table: juniper_junos_table +++++++++++++++++++ Retrieve data from a Junos device using a PyEZ table/view .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 Synopsis -------- * Retrieve data from a Junos device using PyEZ's operational table/views. This module may be used with the tables/views which are included in the PyEZ distribution or it may be used with user-defined tables/views. Requirements ------------ The following software packages must be installed on hosts that execute this module: * `junos-eznc `_ >= 2.1.7 * Python >= 2.7 .. _module-specific-options-label: Module-specific Options ----------------------- The following options may be specified for this module: .. raw:: html
parameter type required default choices comments
path yes none
Name of the YAML file, relative to the path option, that contains the table/view definition. The file name must end with the .yml or .yaml extension.
dict no none
Optional keyword arguments and values to the table's get() method. The value of this option is a dictionary of keywords and values which are used to refine the data return from performing a get() on the table. The exact keywords and values which are supported are specific to the table's definition and the underlying RPC which the table invokes.

aliases: kwarg, args, arg
path no op directory in jnpr.junos.op
The directory containing the YAML table/view definition file as specified by the file option. The default value is the op directory in jnpr.junos.op. This is the directory containing the table/view definitions which are included in the PyEZ distribution.

aliases: directory, dir
str no list_of_dicts
  • list_of_dicts
  • juniper_items
Defines the format of data returned by the module. See RETURN. The value of the resource key in the module's response is either a list of dictionaries list_of_dicts or PyEZ's native return format juniper_items. Because Ansible module's may only return JSON data, PyEZ's native return format juniper_items is translated into a list of lists.
str no The name of the table defined in the file option.
Name of the PyEZ table used to retrieve data. If not specified, defaults to the name of the table defined in the file option. Any table names in file which begin with _ are ignored. If more than one table is defined in file, the module fails with an error message. In this case, you must manually specify the name of the table by setting this option.

Common Connection-related Options --------------------------------- In addition to the :ref:`module-specific-options-label`, the following connection-related options are also supported by this module: .. raw:: html
parameter type required default choices comments
int no 10
The number of times to try connecting and logging in to the Junos device. This option is only applicable when using mode = 'telnet' or mode = 'serial'. Mutually exclusive with the console option.
int no 9600
The serial baud rate, in bits per second, used to connect to the Junos device. This option is only applicable when using mode = 'serial'. Mutually exclusive with the console option.
str no none
An alternate method of specifying a NETCONF over serial console connection to the Junos device using Telnet to a console server. The value of this option must be a string in the format --telnet <console_hostname>,<console_port_number>. This option is deprecated. It is present only for backwards compatibility. The string value of this option is exactly equivalent to specifying host with a value of <console_hostname>, mode with a value of telnet, and port with a value of <console_port_number>. Mutually exclusive with the mode, port, baud, and attempts options.
str yes {{ inventory_hostname }}
The hostname or IP address of the Junos device to which the connection should be established. This is normally the Junos device itself, but is the hostname or IP address of a console server when connecting to the console of the device by setting the mode option to the value telnet. This option is required, but does not have to be specified explicitly by the user because it defaults to {{ inventory_hostname }}.

aliases: hostname, ip
str no none
  • none
  • telnet
  • serial
The PyEZ mode used to establish a NETCONF connection to the Junos device. A value of none uses the default NETCONF over SSH mode. Depending on the values of the host and port options, a value of telnet results in either a direct NETCONF over Telnet connection to the Junos device, or a NETCONF over serial console connection to the Junos device using Telnet to a console server. A value of serial results in a NETCONF over serial console connection to the Junos device. Mutually exclusive with the console option.
str no The first defined value from the following list 1) The ANSIBLE_NET_PASSWORD environment variable. (used by Ansible Tower) 2) The value specified using the -k or --ask-pass command line arguments to the ansible or ansible-playbook command. 3) none (An empty password/passphrase)
The password, or ssh key's passphrase, used to authenticate with the Junos device. If this option is not specified, authentication is attempted using an empty password, or ssh key passphrase.

aliases: password
int or str no 830 if mode = none, 23 if mode = 'telnet', '/dev/ttyUSB0' if (mode = 'serial')
The TCP port number or serial device port used to establish the connection. Mutually exclusive with the console option.
dict no
An alternative syntax for specifying the connection options. Rather than specifying each connection-related top-level option, the connection-related options may be specified as a dictionary of suboptions to the provider option. All connection-related options must either be specified as top-level options or as suboptions of the provider option. You can not combine the two methods of specifying connection-related options.
Dictionary object provider
parameter type required default choices comments
int no 9600
The serial baud rate, in bits per second, used to connect to the Junos device. This option is only applicable when using mode = 'serial'. Mutually exclusive with the console option.
str no none
An alternate method of specifying a NETCONF over serial console connection to the Junos device using Telnet to a console server. The value of this option must be a string in the format --telnet <console_hostname>,<console_port_number>. This option is deprecated. It is present only for backwards compatibility. The string value of this option is exactly equivalent to specifying host with a value of <console_hostname>, mode with a value of telnet, and port with a value of <console_port_number>. Mutually exclusive with the mode, port, baud, and attempts options.
str no The first defined value from the following list 1) The ANSIBLE_NET_PASSWORD environment variable. (used by Ansible Tower) 2) The value specified using the -k or --ask-pass command line arguments to the ansible or ansible-playbook command. 3) none (An empty password/passphrase)
The password, or ssh key's passphrase, used to authenticate with the Junos device. If this option is not specified, authentication is attempted using an empty password, or ssh key passphrase.
int no 10
The number of times to try connecting and logging in to the Junos device. This option is only applicable when using mode = 'telnet' or mode = 'serial'. Mutually exclusive with the console option.
str yes {{ inventory_hostname }}
The hostname or IP address of the Junos device to which the connection should be established. This is normally the Junos device itself, but is the hostname or IP address of a console server when connecting to the console of the device by setting the mode option to the value telnet. This option is required, but does not have to be specified explicitly by the user because it defaults to {{ inventory_hostname }}.
str no none
  • none
  • telnet
  • serial
The PyEZ mode used to establish a NETCONF connection to the Junos device. A value of none uses the default NETCONF over SSH mode. Depending on the values of the host and port options, a value of telnet results in either a direct NETCONF over Telnet connection to the Junos device, or a NETCONF over serial console connection to the Junos device using Telnet to a console server. A value of serial results in a NETCONF over serial console connection to the Junos device. Mutually exclusive with the console option.
int no 30
The maximum number of seconds to wait for RPC responses from the Junos device. This option does NOT control the initial connection timeout value.
path no The first defined value from the following list 1) The ANSIBLE_NET_SSH_KEYFILE environment variable. (used by Ansible Tower) 2) The value specified using the --private-key or --key-file command line arguments to the ansible or ansible-playbook command. 3) none (the file specified in the user's SSH configuration, or the operating-system-specific default)
The path to the SSH private key file used to authenticate with the Junos device. If this option is not specified, and no default value is found using the algorithm below, then the SSH private key file specified in the user's SSH configuration, or the operating-system-specific default is used.
int or str no 830 if mode = none, 23 if mode = 'telnet', '/dev/ttyUSB0' if (mode = 'serial')
The TCP port number or serial device port used to establish the connection. Mutually exclusive with the console option.
str yes The first defined value from the following list 1) The ANSIBLE_NET_USERNAME environment variable. (used by Ansible Tower) 2) The remote_user as defined by Ansible. Ansible sets this value via several methods including a) -u or --user command line arguments to the ansible or ansible-playbook command. b) ANSIBLE_REMOTE_USER environment variable. c) remote_user configuration setting. See the Ansible documentation for the precedence used to set the remote_user value. 3) The USER environment variable.
The username used to authenticate with the Junos device. This option is required, but does not have to be specified explicitly by the user due to the algorithm for determining the default value.
path no The first defined value from the following list 1) The ANSIBLE_NET_SSH_KEYFILE environment variable. (used by Ansible Tower) 2) The value specified using the --private-key or --key-file command line arguments to the ansible or ansible-playbook command. 3) none (the file specified in the user's SSH configuration, or the operating-system-specific default)
The path to the SSH private key file used to authenticate with the Junos device. If this option is not specified, and no default value is found using the algorithm below, then the SSH private key file specified in the user's SSH configuration, or the operating-system-specific default is used.

aliases: ssh_keyfile
int no 30
The maximum number of seconds to wait for RPC responses from the Junos device. This option does NOT control the initial connection timeout value.
str yes The first defined value from the following list 1) The ANSIBLE_NET_USERNAME environment variable. (used by Ansible Tower) 2) The remote_user as defined by Ansible. Ansible sets this value via several methods including a) -u or --user command line arguments to the ansible or ansible-playbook command. b) ANSIBLE_REMOTE_USER environment variable. c) remote_user configuration setting. See the Ansible documentation for the precedence used to set the remote_user value. 3) The USER environment variable.
The username used to authenticate with the Junos device. This option is required, but does not have to be specified explicitly by the user due to the algorithm for determining the default value.

aliases: username

Common Logging-related Options ------------------------------ In addition to the :ref:`module-specific-options-label`, the following logging-related options are also supported by this module: .. raw:: html
parameter type required default choices comments
path no none
The path to a directory, on the Ansible control machine, where debugging information for the particular task is logged.
If this option is specified, debugging information is logged to a file named {{ inventory_hostname }}.log in the directory specified by the logdir option.
The log file must be writeable. If the file already exists, it is appended. It is the users responsibility to delete/rotate log files.
The level of information logged in this file is controlled by Ansible's verbosity and debug options
1) By default, messages at level WARNING or higher are logged.
2) If the -v or --verbose command-line options to the ansible-playbook command are specified, messages at level INFO or higher are logged.
3) If the -vv (or more verbose) command-line option to the ansible-playbook command is specified, or the ANSIBLE_DEBUG environment variable is set, then messages at level DEBUG or higher are logged.
The logfile and logdir options are mutually exclusive. The logdir option is recommended for all new playbooks.

aliases: log_dir
path no none
The path to a file, on the Ansible control machine, where debugging information for the particular task is logged.
The log file must be writeable. If the file already exists, it is appended. It is the users responsibility to delete/rotate log files.
The level of information logged in this file is controlled by Ansible's verbosity and debug options
1) By default, messages at level WARNING or higher are logged.
2) If the -v or --verbose command-line options to the ansible-playbook command are specified, messages at level INFO or higher are logged.
3) If the -vv (or more verbose) command-line option to the ansible-playbook command is specified, or the ANSIBLE_DEBUG environment variable is set, then messages at level DEBUG or higher are logged.
When tasks are executed against more than one target host, one process is forked for each target host. (Up to the maximum specified by the forks configuration. See forks for details.) This means that the value of this option must be unique per target host. This is usually accomplished by including {{ inventory_hostname }} in the logfile value. It is the user's responsibility to ensure this value is unique per target host.
For this reason, this option is deprecated. It is maintained for backwards compatibility. Use the logdir option in new playbooks. The logfile and logdir options are mutually exclusive.

aliases: log_file

.. _juniper_junos_table-examples-label: Examples -------- :: --- - name: Retrieve data from a Junos device using a PyEZ table/view. hosts: junos-all connection: local gather_facts: no roles: - Juniper.junos tasks: - name: Retrieve LLDP Neighbor Information Using PyEZ-included Table juniper_junos_table: file: "lldp.yml" register: response - name: Print response debug: var: response - name: Retrieve routes within 10.0.0/8 juniper_junos_table: file: "routes.yml" table: "RouteTable" kwargs: destination: "" response_type: "juniper_items" register: response - name: Print response debug: var: response - name: Retrieve from custom table in playbook directory juniper_junos_table: file: "fpc.yaml" path: "." register: response - name: Print response debug: var: response Return Values ------------- .. raw:: html
name description returned type sample
Indicates if the device's configuration has changed. Since this module does not change the operational or configuration state of the device, the value is always set to false.
success bool
Indicates if the task failed.
always bool
A human-readable message indicating a summary of the result.
always str
The items retrieved by the table/view.
success list of dicts if response_type is list_of_dicts or list of lists if respsonse_type is juniper_items. # when response_type == 'list_of_dicts' [ { "local_int": "ge-0/0/3", "local_parent": "-", "remote_chassis_id": "00:05:86:08:d4:c0", "remote_port_desc": null, "remote_port_id": "ge-0/0/0", "remote_sysname": "r5", "remote_type": "Mac address" }, { "local_int": "ge-0/0/0", "local_parent": "-", "remote_chassis_id": "00:05:86:18:f3:c0", "remote_port_desc": null, "remote_port_id": "ge-0/0/2", "remote_sysname": "r4", "remote_type": "Mac address" } ] # when response_type == 'juniper_items' [ [ "ge-0/0/3", [ [ "local_parent", "-" ], [ "remote_port_id", "ge-0/0/0" ], [ "remote_chassis_id", "00:05:86:08:d4:c0" ], [ "remote_port_desc", null ], [ "remote_type", "Mac address" ], [ "local_int", "ge-0/0/3" ], [ "remote_sysname", "r5" ] ] ], [ "ge-0/0/0", [ [ "local_parent", "-" ], [ "remote_port_id", "ge-0/0/2" ], [ "remote_chassis_id", "00:05:86:18:f3:c0" ], [ "remote_port_desc", null ], [ "remote_type", "Mac address" ], [ "local_int", "ge-0/0/0" ], [ "remote_sysname", "r4" ] ] ] ]

Notes ----- .. note:: - This module only works with operational tables/views; it does not work with configuration tables/views. - The NETCONF system service must be enabled on the target Junos device. Author ~~~~~~ * Jason Edelman (@jedelman8) * Updated by Juniper Networks - Stacy Smith (@stacywsmith) Status ~~~~~~ This module is flagged as **stableinterface** which means that the maintainers for this module guarantee that no backward incompatible interface changes will be made.