.. _junos_shutdown: junos_shutdown - Shut down or reboot a device running Junos OS. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :Author: Jeremy Schulman, Juniper Networks .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 Synopsis -------- .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 Shut down (power off) or reboot a device running Junos OS. This includes all Routing Engines in a Virtual Chassis or a dual Routing Engine system. This is equivalent to executing either the Junos OS **request system power-off** or **request system reboot** operational command. Options ------- .. raw:: html
parameter required default choices comments
host yes
    Set to {{ inventory_hostname }}
    passwd no assumes ssh-key active
      Login password
      port no 830
        TCP port number to use when connecting to the device
        reboot no
        • yes
        • no
        If set to yes, then the device is rebooted rather than powered off.
        shutdown yes None
          Safety mechanism. You MUST set this to 'shutdown'.
          user no $USER
            Login username
            .. note:: Requires junos-eznc >= 1.2.2 Examples -------- .. raw:: html
            :: - junos_shutdown: host={{ inventory_hostname }} shutdown="shutdown" reboot=yes